Welcome to Reception

Reception Team

Mrs R. Benton

Mrs R. Benton

RRB Class Teacher

Mrs M. Fellows

Mrs M. Fellows

RMF/LP Class Teacher
Art Lead

Miss L. Percival

Miss L. Percival

RMF/LP Class Teacher
D&T Lead

Mrs Z. Blundell

Mrs Z. Blundell

Teaching Assistant

Ms R. Appuhamy

Teaching Assistant

Miss C. King

Teaching Assistant

Autumn Term 2023

We have an exciting year ahead of us as your children begin their first year of school at Moorhill Primary School. We look forward to developing relationships with both you and your children.


During the Reception year, our curriculum is shaped around the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. There are 7 areas of learning that are all important and all inter-connected. Prime areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.


Prime areas:

· Communication and language

· Physical development

· Personal, social and emotional development


Specific areas:

· Literacy

· Mathematics

· Understanding the world

· Expressive arts and design

As a school, we teach phonics following the ‘Read, Write, Inc’ scheme and we follow the Mathematics Mastery programme of study for our daily Maths lessons. We also have daily ‘Maths Meetings’, which enable us to consolidate key areas of Maths and develop fluency in recall of key knowledge.

We communicate to families via Class Dojo. Stories are posted weekly about what the children have been learning and what learning is coming up the following week. Any important dates and messages are also shared through Class Dojo stories so please check regularly.

Our PE day is a Tuesday. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on this day.

We operate an open-door policy and are always available for you to speak to at the end of the day if you have any questions or queries.

Find out more about our curriculum on the EYFS page