
Our curriculum is cohesive across the local and wider community and across subjects and topics, providing challenge and celebrating our individuality as a school and community. In developing cohesion we offer clear, planned and well-sequenced learning so that new knowledge and skills build upon what has been taught before.


Our curriculum is creative, developing memorable experiences so that children are enthused by their own learning, experiencing feelings of awe and wonder. Children explore and develop our school values through active learning experiences. They develop lifelong skills for learning and gain cultural capital within and outside our community.


Our curriculum is collaborative. Children build emotional resilience, develop self-confidence and acquire the ability to articulate their learning. Through a clear sense of motivation and purpose, children take ownership of their own learning and this is shared by our whole school community. Every member of the school community has high expectations of themselves and of others. We recognise that everyone can achieve success.

Curriculum Documents

Updated: 26/09/2024 746 KB
Updated: 25/09/2024 45 KB

Our curriculum is designed to enable all children to overcome any learning barriers and broaden their horizons. We emphasise the development of social skills, enabling children to communicate clearly, using a rich and appropriate vocabulary. We ensure that our drive for fluency in both reading and maths is relentless.

It is important to us that children show empathy towards others, value different opinions and understand and celebrate diversity. We encourage children to become independent learners with high aspirations. This curriculum is tailored to suit the needs of the children in our local learning community.