Welcome to Year One

Year 1 Team

Miss R. Eustace

Miss R. Eustace

1RE Class Teacher
RWinc Lead

Mrs A. Handy

Mrs A. Handy

1AH Class Teacher

Miss J. Abberley

Miss J. Abberley

Teaching Assistant

Mrs K. Rotchell

Mrs K. Rotchell

Teaching Assistant

Miss A. Palmer

Miss A. Palmer

Teaching Assistant

During this first term we will be working really hard to ensure that all the children settle into the Year One routines and feel confident in their new environment. 


Autumn Curriculum Map

Spring Curriculum Map

Summer Curriculum Map

Find out more about our core subjects of Reading, Writing and Maths.


Reading will play an important part during the year so please support us by listening to your child read at home. 5 minutes each night is plenty. Record this in their Reading Record so we can see how well your child is reading at home.

Homework will be set each Friday on Showbie. 


PE will be on a Monday and Friday each week so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit. 

The children are to come to school in their PE kit which consists of a plain white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms, trainers and a plain black or blue hoodie for outdoor activities. Please ensure earrings are removed for safety reasons.


If you have any queries or concerns about your child, please contact us via the contact form on this website or through Class Dojo, where we will be happy to help.