Welcome to Year Two
Year 2 Team
Miss C. Snape
2CS Class Teacher
Moorland Road Daily Leader & Science Lead
Miss R. Kaur
2RK Class Teacher
Miss H. Miles
Teaching Assistant
Mrs S. Pearson
Teaching Assistant
Find out more about our core subjects of Reading, Writing and Maths.
Please make sure that your child is reading daily out loud as well as to themselves. It would be really helpful is you could support your child with their fluency but also asking questions about what they are reading to ensure that the children are understanding what they read.
Please record this in their Reading Record.
Your child will also be using Times Table Rock Star and will be given a log in for this. This is to support their timetable knowledge with quick games.
Some children will also have access to Numbots, this is a tool for children to develop knowledge of number, addition and number bonds.
Look for opportunities to discuss numbers within the environment, simple addition problems while you’re at the supermarket etc.
Play simple spelling games like hangman, eye-spy, complete word searches etc.
Make sure your child is ready to learn and not tired when they comes to school and that they have eaten breakfast.
To help your child being ready to learn, please ensure they have had breakfast and a good night sleep.
PE days are on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The children are to come to school in their PE kit which consists of a plain white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms, trainers and a plain black or blue hoodie for outdoor activities. Please ensure earrings are removed for safety reasons.
If you have any queries or concerns about your child, please contact us via the contact form on this website or through Class Dojo, where we will be happy to help.