Sports Clubs
At Moorhill, we offer a wide range of clubs for children to attend after school.
On our Pye Green Road Site, pupils can sign up to a morning Sports Club. This is run by professional coaches and starts at 8am each morning. The club takes place either on the playground or in the hall, depending on the weather.
Celebrating Sport
We are committed to providing pupils with competitive sporting activities, where they can apply skills that have been developed in P.E. and Games lessons.
We are always pleased to hear about any sporting achievements outside school hours – if your child belongs to a club and has had any recent successes, we’d love to hear about it so that we can celebrate and share your child’s achievements.
Music Teachers
We are pleased to welcome peripatetic music teachers into our school this year, to widen the range of instruments available to your children. Drum, piano, flute and guitar lessons will all take place for those junior children who have expressed an interest.
School Choir
In addition to our class music lessons and school hymn practices, pupils in Year 3 through to Year 6 will be able to sign up to our school choir. This is an after school club and proves highly successful each academic year, taking part in the ‘Young Voices’ event in Birmingham, as well as singing in the local community.