
Our teaching of Religious Education follows the guidance given in the latest Agreed Syllabus for Staffordshire (2016). We use the Discovery RE programme to support in the delivery of Religious Education.

Using this agreed syllabus, we will ensure that our RE curriculum is diverse. This will promote empathy and curiosity about a variety of beliefs and cultures that are both familiar to them as well as those which are different. When they leave Moorhill, the children will be motivated to investigate and express their thoughts about the world we live in.

Our children take part in weekly RE lessons, covering a variety of religions to build on their knowledge. Where possible, visitors will come into the school to share range of religious viewpoints. Our local community demographic at Moorhill is primarily Christian- we explore Christianity, along with other religions each year. Children also have the opportunity to visit a church in the local community.

We provide a clear progression of RE teaching from Reception to Year 6, using the Discovery RE programme. This means that our RE curriculum builds on previous knowledge from the previous years. The RE curriculum map consists of a structured progression of skills, knowledge and key vocabulary that the children will cover each year. This means that RE lessons build on children’s prior knowledge as well as preparing them for their future learning.

RE Overview

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Our RE curriculum for Reception to Year 6 is carefully planned using the Discovery RE scheme, corresponding with the Staffordshire Agreed Syllabus and taking into account the children’s age and understanding. This ensures consistency and progress of all learners. Children build on their knowledge of Christianity each year as well as learning about Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism throughout the RE curriculum.

At Moorhill, RE is taught weekly in explicit RE lessons, but it is also included in other areas of school life, when appropriate. In RE lessons, children are engaged through a variety of sources such as artefacts, religious stories and video clips. Lessons include a mixture of whole class teaching, group activities and individual work. By having the opportunity to work both individually as well as cooperatively and collaboratively, children are able to develop their own knowledge and expertise as well as sharing experiences with others.


Our RE curriculum is carefully planned using the Discovery RE scheme, corresponding with the Staffordshire Agreed Syllabus to give children the skills, knowledge and opportunity to be challenged in their thinking and learning and prepare for their next stage of learning and into their future lives.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Pupil discussions and interviews about their learning
  • An assessment of standards achieved judged against the skills and knowledge outlined in our Curriculum map (three times per year)
  • Evidence of pupils work, gathered at the end of units collated into a floor book. This gives a clear picture of RE throughout the school.

We ensure that RE is taught explicitly, but weave themes through the curriculum where it is appropriate.

By the time our children leave Moorhill Primary we want them to:

  • Have an increasing core of insightful knowledge concerning religions and beliefs, both in Britain and in more global terms.
  • Have a developing capacity to engage with ultimate questions and to formulate their own sense of identify and values.
  • Have a growing range of social, emotional and social skills and dispositions appropriate to living well in a religiously plural and open society.

Learners with Special Educational Needs

At Moorhill, we scaffold and adapt the learning to enable all learners to succeed. 
Learning is adapted through:

- Explicit teaching and modelling

- Scaffolded resources 

- The use of concrete manipulatives 

- Pictorial examples and representations

- Use of technological resources to support learning

- Frequent revisiting of skills

- Adult support 

RE Key Skills Grid

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