According to the R.E. Council, ‘the ability to understand the faith or belief of individuals and communities and how these may shape their culture or behaviour, is an invaluable asset for children in modern day Britain.’ At Moorhill in line with the Staffordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, R.E. lessons will provoke challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. We will encourage pupils to learn about religious and non-religious worldviews in order to discover, explore and consider different answers to these questions. They will learn to interpret, analyse, evaluate and critically respond to the claims that religious and non-religious worldviews make. Pupils will learn to express their insights and to agree or disagree respectfully. 


To develop in children a deep understanding of faith, including key figures, stories and practices. This ensures that children have a secure understanding of key beliefs and practices in world faiths which are studied across the key stages.

To foster curiosity about Religious Education by centring lessons around key questions for children to reflect upon and answer post-learning.

To ensure all children learn about and visit, where possible, places of worship and engage with religious people to further their understanding of faith and religious practices.


Opening Worlds

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Religious Education

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We recognise that a knowledge-led curriculum allows for deeper understanding of subjects. In R.E., our key learning objectives have been developed from the core learning in the specifically designed scheme, with recognition that our identified key concepts apply when studying world religions. We believe that an R.E. curriculum builds on key knowledge that will allow children to deepen their understanding of many faiths.

At Moorhill, we follow a specifically designed scheme for the teaching of R.E., which constitutes the majority of our content. This scheme allows children to develop their understanding of the World faiths though repetition and further development of key topics. In addition, our world faith units are developed from the S.A.C.R.E. and adapted by the R.E. leader to best suit our setting. taught from Reception to Year 6, and different world faiths are selected for each year group. These are repeated where necessary to ensure a deeper understanding of those faiths.


The developed scheme is designed to ensure that within lessons children have the opportunity to make connections; understand the impact of key events; and to make sense of key texts. It is from this approach that we developed our key skills for R.E. and we believe that these skills are transferrable when learning about all faiths.

Our Religious Education curriculum is delivered through the Opening Worlds Curriculum.


Children will have learnt about the fundamental belief, practices and values within a range of world faiths. They can talk about their learning confidently and they are respectful of the beliefs of others. in our diverse world.

Children will ask and answer questions in R.E. Lessons to further their understanding and deepen their knowledge of multiple faiths.

Children will demonstrate knowledge, understanding and tolerance of faiths different to that of their own, within the wider world around them.

Learners with Special Educational Needs

At Moorhill, we scaffold and adapt the learning to enable all learners to succeed. 
Learning is adapted through:

- Explicit teaching and modelling

- Scaffolded resources 

- The use of concrete manipulatives 

- Pictorial examples and representations

- Use of technological resources to support learning

- Frequent revisiting of skills

- Adult support