20 Jun

Year 4/5 WECT Music Concert at Stafford Showground 

Year 4/5 WECT music concert – Stafford Showground 

All children from years 4 and 5 have been given the opportunity to receive weekly recorder lessons as part of their music curriculum. They were invited to Staffordshire County Showground to perform in a concert as a celebration of their skills…

13 Jun

Year 5/6 Football Festival


Year 5/6 Football Festival


Our Year 5/6 Girls, Year 5 Boys and Year 6 Boys Football Teams went to a school in Stafford to take part in a Football Festival. It was the first time they have competed for the school in football and for many of them the first time they have played a…

20 Dec

Rudolph Run for St. Giles Hospice

Rudolph Run for St. Giles Hospice


As a school we took part in the Rudolph Run to raise money for St. Giles Hospice. The children and staff worked hard to attain sponsorship and our school community pulled together to achieve something amazing.

Our aim was to reach around £400…